Thursday, May 2, 2013

Clean Eating

Since I started my "live life a little better" quest a couple of months ago, I have established some clean eating rules that I follow.

Considering one of my undergraduate degrees is in health & human performance, I have always known what's good for your health and what's not but I definitely have a weak spot for food and found it hard to stick to "the rules".  Well, after a couple of years feeling out of shape, soft, unhealthy and quite frankly not liking the way I looked in a swimsuit or my under-roos, I decided it was time to start taking better care of this one and only body I have been given. 

Here are some of my clean eating rules:

● absolutely no alcohol, NONE!!
● no more coffee
● do not add salt to foods
● consume 20 grams protein by noon
● consume over 50g protein in 1 day
● 64 oz or more of H2O daily
● no soda what-so-ever
● do not order take out...just don't!
● zero Chinese (this one is HARD!)
● buy FRESH veggies & fruit, no cans
● cut down on the white bread
● eat whole grain when possible
● steam your veggies
● avoid foods with preservatives
● do not add sugar to cereal
● NO cookies or sweets at that
● OK, you can eat sweets but in moderation
● eat fruits & veggies everyday
● put down the lays chips
● starches = no good
● processed foods are gross and bad
● do five to six meals a day (roughly 400 calories each)
● butter on everything is a no-no
● drink lemon water
● never ever skip breakfast
● don't eat foods with ingredients you can't pronounce
● NO fast food joints
● artificial sweeteners are bad
