Monday, August 20, 2012

Shit My Kid Says...Part Deuce

I did a post roughly 6 months ago about the shit my kid says and I feel that it is time to do another.  It is amazing how much our children's vocabulary expands in a mere couple of months and their ability to construct full sentences explodes.  I have to chuckle to myself when I hear my son playing in his room.  I am also dumbfounded at some of the things he says directly to me and my husband.  Somethings are funny, some are innocent and some are darn right shocking!  Here is another collection of ridiculously crazy & cute things my babe says:

- Come look Mom!  I took a hundred poops!
- That was a bad choice Mom.
- You and Daddy are being rude to me.  (this is whenever we discipline him)
- Mommy, your hair is beautiful.
- You can't say that.  Its naughty.  Go to time out.
- I pulled my pants down and showed Leah my underwear at school today and she was happy.  My response: "Did you only show her your underwear or did you show her your wiener too?"  Cruz: "Hahaha, oh Mom.  I didn't show her my wiener, that would just be weird."  (WOW, that conversation blew my mind!)
- I pooped my pants, change me.  (pre-potty trained days)
- I want to go to Disney World right now to see Dan & Brittni!
- You legs are poky Mom.  (note to self, shave legs more often)
- Can I put your hair in a pony tail?
- Is your wiener bleeding?  (after sneaking in on me in the bathroom while changing my tampon...I lock the door now!)
- I'm going to marry my Mommy.  (Cruz's response to his teacher's question)
- If I become a runner like them and win, will you be so proud of me?  (while watching Olympic Track & heart melted!)
- Mommy, leave.  (choosing to play with my beautiful girlfriends over me, bummer)
- I like to poop it, poop it.  (Cruz's version of Madagascar's: I like to move it, move it song)
- Mommy, you be nice and happy to Daddy.
- Daddy, you kiss Mommy.
- I lost.  (Cruz's response after he broke our 5 day old  iPad and I asked him why he threw his monster truck at it...we are working on his sportsmanship!)
- Me: "Cruz, would you like a kitty or puppy for a pet?"  Cruz: " Panda Bear."
- Daddy, it's frickin' cold outside.
- Is there a baby in there?  (Cruz commenting on my full tummy after a potluck, thanks buddy)
- Is this cool or weird? (Cruz's common question to lots of things)
- The carrots in my mouth are icky because they are mushy and crunchy carrots taste yummy (all done in a singing voice)
- But I can't go to bed yet, the sun is still out.  (well played my smart little one)
- I don't have a big wiener like Daddy has because I'm too little. 
- Me: "What do you want to talk about?" Cruz: "Horse's poop."
- Why do we poop?
- Why don't you have a wiener?
- Stay careful Mom!
- I'm really getting older.

There will be so many more things my little Cruz will say that proves to be nothing short of entertaining through the years to come...can't wait!


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