Monday, February 18, 2013

Health, Healing & Working Out

First and foremost... I know I have been a bad blogger over the last couple of months but I feel like I have a somewhat valid excuse for my hiatus.  I encountered some health issues that are still unexplained.  In early October I had a sudden onset of vertigo, lightheadedness, 60% hearing loss in my right ear, tinnitus, blurred & lagged vision, disorientation, nausea & vomiting, headaches and complete disequilibrium.  It was scary stuff.  I felt like I was stuck on a tilt-a-whirl all day long.  It was also a lot like being so completely intoxicated that I lost the control of my balance and concentration.  I am certain strangers that saw me thought I was drunk in public.  I had to hold onto walls to walk or stand.  I looked out of it.  I could barley function some days and had to lay in bed.  I would never wish for anyone to experience those things.  To put it plainly: it sucked balls!

The symptoms sent me to the ER once and then I had lots of doctor/hospital visits for testing.  After a CT scan, MRI with contrast dye IV, blood work, audiology screening and physical examinations: nothing.  No answers.  My results came back negative for thyroid disease, MS, Parkinson's disease, brain hemorrhaging and so many other slightly frightening possibilities.  The scariest part happened in early January when I started to have near black out episodes accompanied with panic attacks.  I went back to my ENT specialist and he prepared me for the possible chance of an aucoustic neuroma.  My symptoms were very indicative of this particular type of brain tumor that develops on the 8th cranial nerve.  In the course of 5 days I did a lot of researching, praying, crying and preparation.  If this was what was causing my symptoms, then at least I had an answer.  I would be able to put together a plan of how to tackle it and move on with life.  The 36 hours that followed my contrast dye MRI were the slowest hours of my life, but I finally got my results: normal.  Thank God for no brain tumor but I still felt completely unsatisfied because I had no answers, no resolution and no plan of action.
Three weeks ago I finally got the referral to see a neurologist for further studying of my brain and nervous system but I decided to take matters into my own hands before I got that phone call.  I was so tired and frustrated from 4 months of getting no where and spending thousands of dollars.  I started looking into other methods of medicine and healing.  I found my way to River Falls Chiropractic and had a consultation with Dr. Melissa Kolb.  I felt really good after my first visit.  She took a large amount of time with me to go over my symptoms, tests that had been administered, results, took x-rays, performed a spinal scan and asked what I wanted to accomplish through chiropractic care.  This was the moment I finally broke down in tears and told her that I just wanted to feel normal again.  I just want to be able to stand and walk without feeling like I was going to fall over or pass out.  I had reached my wit's end and couldn't keep up my tough persona any longer.  I wanted my life back.  I wanted a good quality of life back.

After Dr. Melissa had an opportunity to review my medical history and scans, we developed a treatment plan.  She felt very confident that the combination of the structural defects in my spine, environmental factors and stress I had encountered were contributing to some of my symptoms.  She didn't promise any quick fixes.  She simply said she thought she could help alleviate some of the things I was experiencing.  I agreed to commit myself to her plan.  I would go in for 3 adjustments per week for 3 weeks, get another spinal scan, reduce to 2 adjustments per week for 3 weeks and then down to 1 adjustment per week for 3 weeks and end with another spinal scan.  We also discussed tracking my nutritional intake, hours of sleep and getting me back into mild/moderate exercise.  I was 100% committed to giving this a full hearted effort.  I started Jan. 30th.  I have a daily journal where I write down everything!  I log what time I wake up, what I eat & when, how much of something I eat, any symptoms that arise through out the day and my workouts.  We concentrated on getting 40 grams of protein consumed before noon, 64 or more oz. of liquid daily and having well balanced meals.  I also took the initiative to cut out alcohol, coffee and minimize sugar & sodium intake.  I did my first workout in over 4 months on the 30th as well.  I was scared about working out again because when I tried running back in October I literally lost my balance and fell over.  I also got extremely nauseated.  For someone with my athletic background, it was heartbreaking and devastating.  I didn't know if I would ever be able to return to vigorous workouts, road races or let alone even jog again.

I am so, so, so happy to say that I have seen a dramatic improvement in how I feel in the course of the last 2 weeks.  I don't know if I can contribute getting better to just one thing; rather, I believe it was the combination of everything I decided to change.  I have gone a FULL WEEK without any vertigo or lightheadedness.  It has been 2 weeks since my last headache.  My vision problems have decreased as well but I will be going in to get my eyes checked in the event of possibly needing glasses.  My hearing has not returned and I fear that it has been permanently damaged but that is one thing that I can live with.  I have yet to try running.  My workouts have been confined to resistance training.  I am going to attempt running very soon though!  I will have to give an update once I try. 

I was so scared that I was going to have to live the rest of my life with those miserable symptoms but I am finally seeing relief.  I have gained my positive attitude back and feel like I can start working out like I use to.  I am thankful for a wonderful sister whom I have the best relationship with.  She has been my motivator for workouts.  We are in our 3rd week of workouts at 5 days a week.  She pushes me and has helped make me believe in myself again.  She continually inspires me and I hope that I may inspire others to never give up, no matter what!

I decided I wanted to share one of our workout with you guys.  I design them and my sister provides the kick ass home gym for us to complete them in.  Let me know if you have any questions on any of the exercises.


(increase weight with each set)
Squat 1x15, 1x10, 2x5
Single Leg Squat 1x15, 1x10, 2x5
Step Ups 1x15, 1x10, 2x5
Leg Press 1x15, 1x10, 2x5
Leg Extensions 1x15, 1x10, 2x5
Calf Raises 1x15, 1x10, 2x5
Leg Curls 1x15, 1x10, 2x5

Circuit set
(minimal to no rest between exercises and sets)
Lateral Lunges
Russian Kicks
Jump Lunges
Med Ball Knee Toss
Med Ball Leg Lifts
Med Ball Heel Kicks
Oblique Push-ups

Single leg squat (start)

Single leg squat (finish)

Step ups

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