Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Christmas Wish List

A Christmas post...already?  You are probably thinking, "But it is only October, Brittany!"  I know but it is never too early to start compiling a "if I only had a shit-ton of money and could request materialistic and completely ridiculously frivolous things" list.  Now that is a mouth full.

Some people got it easy and don't ever have to have a wish list because they have exorbitant amounts of money and can just buy whatever the hell they want while the rest of us are stuck here in dreamland.  I don't mind dreamland though, people tend to be nicer there.  Plus, can you imagine getting everything you want?  I think it would take the surprise and appreciation out of getting a gift but that's just me.

Just because I don't have nice things doesn't mean I have bad taste.  It just means that I'm realistic and responsible with the money that I do have.  I believe the correct way to phrase this is: I live within my means.  Surprisingly a lot of people don't get that concept.  Oh well, better them than me.  I don't have credit card debt or loans because of my feeling of wanting things to conform and fit into what society's general consensus thinks I should own or look like.  Maybe that is one of the reasons why America is in the crapper right now with our national debt.  As for my two cents on the presidential election coming up, it doesn't matter who wins because we are still going to be struggling for sometime  Rant ended, for now.  But seriously, I think I'm right.

Enough with the political baloney and sarcastic sentences.  I am here to make requests so that maybe someone will like me enough to buy me some stuff!  Whoop, whoop. 

My Ridiculous Christmas Wish List
(rich people start share your wealth already)

#1: My crème de la crème would be a Nikon D700 body

#2: All the essential lenses & accessories for my new Nikon D700 of course

#3: 2013 Chevy Camaro

#4: Apple iMac desktop computer to do all of my photography editing on

#5: A getaway cabin like this

#6: To be a stay at home mom and do what I love

#7: A closet full of a modern, chic & lush clothes, shoe & accessories

#8: A rustic barn (sounds weird but it is a PERFECT photography backdrop or place to host events)

#9: Smart phone (seriously...I should have one already)

#10: Photography studio

In all seriousness though, I could go my entire life without getting/buying any of those things and be completely happy.  It doesn't matter what you own.  Your happiness comes from things like your family & friends.  So, surround yourself with good people and your happiness should follow.  Then if you do have money, buy shit because that is always fun.

P.S. Sorry Mom for using curse words.  I love you!

peace & love

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