Thursday, August 2, 2012

Like My Mother Does

Sometimes I wonder if my mother truly knows the deep amount of appreciation and love that I hold in my heart for her.  There are just some things that go without saying but why not say them sometimes too?  This post is a reflection of some of the great, wonderful & loving attributes my mother possesses and has shown/given to me through the years.

As I get older I find myself becoming more and more like my mom.  This is said as being a good thing.  I love everything about her.  I am lucky in the sense that I have always had a wonderful relationship and bond with my mother.  We never went through that stage of fighting or hate when I was a teenager.  She has always tried to show me how to live by providing an example of herself.  She may not even know that she taught me some of the things I learned because she didn't activity try to teach me lessons; but rather, I observed and emulated her.

My mother taught me to be gracious and humble.  I would see her kindness shining while talking to strangers or helping those in need.  She would never boast of the good things she did, she would simply do them.  I would think to myself, I want to be like that. 

She taught me to be loving and accepting.  I don't recall her ever looking down upon someone because of materialistic values.  Her spirit is non-judgemental.  She does not judge due to the way a person looks or lives; she sees people as equals.  I would think to myself, I want to be like that. 

My mother taught me to find the positive in everything and to have patience.  My entire life my mom has always been encouraging.  "You can do it Britt!" or "Great job hun!" is what I would hear.  I was surrounded by hugs, high fives & kisses.  When I would fail at something she would be there to tell me to try again and keep my chin up.  You could say this is also where I got my persistent attitude.  {I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.  Thomas A. Edison}  I would think to myself, I want to be like that.

She taught me the importance of my inner worth and beauty.  I was a tomboy as a kid and she would constantly remind me that God made me that way.  That there was something hidden within being a tomboy.  I now know it helped me be rough and tough on the farm and that transpired into my attitude in sports.  I wasn't afraid of hard work in order to succeed.  I would think to myself, I want to be like that.

Out of all of the years I spent growing up and watching my mother I was continually learning from how she would handle situations and think to myself, I want to be like that.  Now that I am an adult I can say that I am like that.  I am loving, driven, gracious, humbled, confident, whitty, funny, smiley, persistant, understanding, accepting, positive, strong and hard working... just like my mother!

{Mom, thank you for being a wonderful guiding light in life and being a amazing example of how to live.  I attribute all of the good that is within me to you & Daddy.}

Nothing says it better than the lyrics to this song, please take the time to read it and fully appreciate these songwriters' ability to capture a topic like this so beautifully!


Like My Mother Does Songwriters: Nathan Chapman;Elisabeth Rose;Nicole Williams

People always say I have a laugh
Like my mother does
Guess that makes sense
She taught me how to smile

When things get rough
I've got her spirit, she's always got my back
When I look at her I think
I want to be just like that

When I love I give it all I've got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does

When I feel weak and unpretty
I know I'm beautiful and strong
Because I see myself
Like my mother does

I've never met a stranger, I can talk to anyone
Like my mother does
I let my temper fly, but she can walk away
When she's had enough

She sees everybody
For who they really are
I'm so thankful for her guidance
She's helped me get this far

When I love I give it all I've got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does

When I feel weak and unpretty
I know I'm beautiful and strong
Because I see myself
Like my mother does

She's a rock, she is grace, she's an angel,
She's my heart and soul, she does it all

When I love, I give it all I've got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does

When I feel weak and unpretty
I know I'm beautiful and strong
Because I see myself
Like my mother does

Like my mother does
I hear people saying
I'm starting to look
Like my mother does

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