Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why I Work Out

I have gotten asked several times since I started running and working out again on a regular basis why I'm doing it.  Are you training for something?  Are you trying to lose weight?  Are you going to personal train again?  Are you bored?  Why I'm doing it is always being questioned.  Do I really have to have a particular reason to work out?  Nope...I have lots of reasons why I work out!

to be heathly.  feel better.  get a solid core back.  not have a muffin top in spandex.  run competitively again.  set personal goals.  break those goals.  be ripped.  live longer.  have my son be proud to call me his mom.  set an example.  to let haters hate.  feel sexy.  be stronger.  eliminate cellulite.  have my husband be proud to call me his wife.  look good naked.  get that natural runner's high from endorphin release.  to make myself proud.  to feel self worth.  believe that I can.  win a road race.  have arms worthy of envy.  be inspirational.  to say yes I am a mom and I look this good.  wear a tiny bikini.  have a strong heart.  break mental barriers.  have me time.  to not get winded doing simple things.  clear my thoughts.  relieve stress.  push my limits.  satisfy my competitive side. have more energy.  to be happy.

All of these things are reasons why I choose to work out and run.  Whether it was born in me or it is just a part of the personality I've developed over the years; this is why I do what I do and what makes me who I am.

After reading all the reasons why I work out, I would like to pose the question: What is your excuse not to?  Why wouldn't you want to accomplish, feel or say any of the things I listed?  I have the respect for my body and myself to treat it better than letting it get unhealthy.


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