Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tough Deck of Cards Workout

A couple months back my Tough Mudder team leader (Dennis) shared with me the deck of cards workout.  He encouraged me to give it a try.  Back then I hadn't hardly started working out and quite frankly I was scared shit-less to try it.  I thought to myself: "I don't want to die!"

Now that I have been working out and looking for some variety in workouts, I figured I would re-visit this option.  I took the basic concept of the deck of cards workout and switched it up to my own personal liking.

This is one TOUGH deck of cards!  Enjoy.

peace & love


-Start with a fully shuffled deck of cards (52 cards + 2 jokers).
-All face cards (Jack, Queen, & King) have a value of 10 reps.
-Aces will have a value of 11 reps.
-Jokers have a value of 20 reps and you choose which exercise to perform.
-Number cards will be face value (ex. 7 of hearts = 7 pushups).

-Clubs =Burpees
-Diamonds = Squat with high knee
-Hearts = Pushups
-Spades = Pullups

(Using compound exercises like the ones listed above burn more calories than individual/isolated workouts, trains your cardiovascular system; thus helps in more free flow of blood, builds muscle mass more rapidly/quickly and improve coordination, reaction time, and balance!)

Work through the cards, flipping them over one by one until you’ve gone through the entire deck. Each suit corresponds to a different exercise and the number on the card indicates the number of reps you’ll do (face cards = 10, Aces = 11, Joker = 20). So if you drew a 4 of clubs, you’d do 4 burpees.  Your goal is to work through the entire deck as fast as possible.

Good Luck!

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