Wednesday, February 15, 2012

25 Things That Piss Me Off

It has been one of those days for me.  One where I feel like steam is shooting out of my ears every ten minutes.  I am the type of person that can usually take negativity, conflicts or stupidity in stride and let it roll off my back.  But, there are times that I have taken so much crap that I am full to the brim and start overflowing.  This situation is not very ideal since I have a short fuse.  There is no in between for is instant BOOM!  In lue of my mood today, I have decided that I want to share the top 25 things that piss me off.  There are others but this list covers a good majority of them.

1 | Egotistical may think you know everything but you probably don't.

2 | Being told that I can't do something.

3 | Someone saying they will do something and then knowingly blow it off.

4 | Waiting in line.

5 | People who always have to get in the last word.

6 | Someone who always has to try to tell a better story than mine (a.k.a. 1-up guy).

7 | Math.

8 | People who want me to feel sorry for them about being overweight...NOT HAPPENING!

9 | When someone drags their teeth on silverware when eating.

10 |  Individuals that are quick to judge someone else.

11 | People that get on the treadmill right next to me when all of the other ones are open.

12 | Double standards.

13 | Players.

14 | Liars.

15 | Parents who let their children rule them.

16 | Bullies.

17 | When someone trys to take advantage of me.

18 | The cost of living.

19 | People who cheat on their spouse/significate other.

20 | Bad drivers.

21 | When someone continuelly sends me Facebook friend requests.  I declined for a reason; get an effin clue...I don't want you looking at my shit!

22 | People that are good looking but always say they aren't just to get you to tell them they are good looking; get over yourself.

23 | When someone asks where you bought your shirt and then buys the same one...creepy. 

24 | People who pretend to be someone they're not. 

25 | Constantly being told to Carpe Diem.  Um, somedays I want to & others I'd rather not...let me decide!

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