Wednesday, February 8, 2012

40 Tactics To Get Healthier

It seems that everybody is always looking for fitness tips, tricks and advice.  I know how hard it can be to figure out where to start or what you should do.  You may get overwhelmed with information and feel frustrated.  Those negative feelings associated with fitness and wellness turn you away from it.  Why would you want to bother with something that creates those feelings?  This is where I come in!  I will be periodically providing you with helpful information that will cut out time wasted on sifting through articles, websites and magazines.  Here are 40 tactics to getting healthier and living a better life!
Get Healthier Tactics
1. Make a plan (physically sit down and write a fitness plan with goals)
2. Carry Water Everywhere you go
3. Color you plate (colorful foods = healthier)
4. Cut out fast food
5. Cut out soda 
6. Do weight bearing exercises (i.e. yoga, weight training)
7. Do non-weight bearing exercises too (i.e. rowing & biking)
8. Don’t be complacent (once you've got the body you want, don’t stop exercising!)
9. Don't starve yourself
10. Don’t' deprive yourself either (you can eat higher calorie foods in moderation)
11. Don't give up (you will reach plateaus, it is your body adjusting)
12. Don't try to isolate (you scientifically can't isolate one set of muscles and lose fat only there)
13. Drink a glass of water before you sit down to eat
14. Eat 5 small meals a day
15. Give yourself 20 mins to feel full after a meal (eat slow & take breaks so you don’t over eat)
16. Do Cardio 20 mins everyday (i.e. anything that gets your heart pounding continuously)
17. Have a specific and realistic goal(s)                                                                                  
19. Ignore the scale (don't measure your weight lose by using a scale)
20. Know appropriate serving sizes
21. Try to swim (excellent low-impact cardio option)
22. Check the labels on food
23. Consult your doctor if you have health issues like diabetes to help you with your plan
24. Do exercises to work your entire core 
25. Substitute sweets with fresh fruit
26. Learn how to do a push-up & sit-up correctly
27. Try doing reverse sit-ups
28. Work out with someone
29. NEVER skip breakfast
30. Carefully monitor the foods you consume (eat more fat burning foods: brown rice, veggies)
31. Eat smaller bits and chewy slowly
32. Do the most effective exercises efficiently
33. Work out before breakfast (body will burn body fat that is stored instead of new food eaten)34. Drink lots of water and also hot green tea (it neutralizes the effects of fatty foods)  
35. Get 7-8 hours of sleep
36. Cut down or eliminate alcohol
37. Increase your movement and metabolism by walking farther to your car or taking the stairs
38. Reduce your salt intake since it causes the body to retain water              
39. Avoid stress…it causes weight gain!

Information shared from

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